I'm considering taking remote non-degree-seeking graduate classes for ML. What are the best schools for that in terms of ease of admission and low costs?

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Is there a reason you want to take classes instead of self-study? If you're interested in self-studying, MIT OpenCourseWare has a lot of useful classes. I'd also check out https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~10715-f18/.

Andrew Vlahos


Not quite what you asked, but there's a post: "The Best Textbooks on Every Subject" that seems like it can help.

those are from 2011, before alexnet. good idea, but it could use some serious updating.

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Do you mean you want to attend in person, ask questions and have a supervisor? That sounds quite hard, unless you've got the ability to pay for tuition out of pocket. That could make things quite a bit easier.

Yeah, I'm willing to pay tuition, but am still going to shop around for the best deal.