Wiki Contributions


Thank you! Surprised to see front squats and RDL given your comments about avoiding powerlifts, are these variations less injury-prone vs their more standard options?

You talk about it in snippets here and there, but I'd love for you to share your full up-to-date strength training program recommendation! 

Also curious how this changes people's outlooks on putting money into 401k/IRA's/etc

Any good candidates for "AI index fund" people know of?

Would love for the spreadsheet to include tags to further simplify filtering.

That's fair. I believe kiwi is a fork of chrome that is kept up to date with a set of patches applied on top fwiw.

Uh nvm, that doesn't work reliably bc of the comment lazy loading 🤔

Oh, that actually suggests a slightly better version, that won't reload the page. Updated the post!

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