Linda Linsefors

Hi, I am a Physicist, an Effective Altruist and AI Safety student/researcher.

Wiki Contributions


The EA SummerCamp takes place the next weekend

I've not been to any of these, but would like to. Is there any info up yet for this years EA SummerCamp?

Second part being "there will be an AISC10"?

Very sure. 

As long as me and Remmelt are still alive and healthy a couple of months from now, then we're doing it.

Remmelt have organised 8 previous AISCs, I've been part of 3 of those. We know what we are doing. We know we can rely on each other, and we want to do this.

We just needed to make sure we have money to live and eat and such, before we could commit to running a next camp. But we have received the money now, so that's all good. Manifund have sent us the money, it's in our bank accounts. 

I'll bet anyone who like, that there will be an AISC10 at 1:10 odds in your favour. I'm much more confident that that, but if you give me worse odds, then I don't think can be bothered about it.

I disagree. In verbal space MARS and MATS are very distinct, and they look different enough to me.

However, if you want to complain, you should talk to the organisers, not one of the participants.

Here is their website: MARS — Cambridge AI Safety Hub

(I'm not involved in MARS in any way.)

I've now updated the event information to include summaries/abstracts for the projects/talks. Some of these are still under construction.

Ok, you're right that this is a very morally clear story. My bad for not knowing what's typical tabloid storry.

Missing kid = bad,
seems like a good lesson for AI to learn.

I don't read much sensationalist tabloid, but my impression is that the things that get a lot of attention in the press, is things people can reasonable take either side of.

Scott Alexander writes about how everyone agrees that factory framing is terrible, but exactly because this overwhelming agreement, it get's no attention. Which is why PETA does outrageous things to get attention.

The Toxoplasma Of Rage | Slate Star Codex

There need to be two sides to an issue, or else no-one gets ingroup loyalty points for taking one side or the other. 

Their more human-in-the-loop stuff seems neat though.

I found this on their website

Soon, interacting with AI agents will be a part of daily life, presenting enormous regulatory and compliance challenges alongside incredible opportunities.

Norm Ai agents also work alongside other AI agents who have been entrusted to automate business processes. Here, the role of the Norm Ai agent is to automatically ensure that actions other AI agents take are in compliance with laws.

I'm not sure if this is worrying, because I don't think AI overseeing AI is a good solution. Or it's actually good, because, again, not a good solution, which might lead to some early warnings?

Sensationalist tabloid news stories and other outrage porn are not the opposite. These are actually more of the same. More edge cases. Anything that is divisive have the problem I'm talking about. 

Fiction is a better choice.

Or even just completely ordinary every-day human behaviour. Most humans are mostly nice most of the time.

We might have to start with the very basic, the stuff we don't even notice, because it's too obvious. Things no-one would think of writing down.

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