Jacob G-W

I really like learning new things!


Wiki Contributions


Are you saying this because temporal understanding is necessary for audio? Are there any tests that could be done with just the text interface to see if it understands time better? I can't really think of any (besides just doing off vibes after a bunch of interaction).

I'm sorry about that. Are there any topics that you would like to see me do this more with? I'm thinking of doing a video where I do this with a topic to show my process. Maybe something like history that everyone could understand? Can you suggest some more?

Is there a prediction market for that?

I don't think there is, but you could make one!

I think I've noticed some sort of cognitive bias in myself and others where we are naturally biased towards "contrarian" or "secret" views because it feels good to know something that others don't know / be right about something that so many people are wrong about.

Does this bias have a name? Is this documented anywhere? Should I do research on this?

GPT4 says it's the Illusion of asymmetric insight, which I'm not sure is the same thing (I think it is the more general term, whereas I'm looking for one specific to contrarian views). (Edit: it's totally not what I was looking for) Interestingly, it only has one hit on lesswrong. I think more people should know about this (the specific one about contrarianism) since it seems fairly common.


Edit: The illusion of asymmetric insight is totally the wrong name. It seems closer to the illusion of exclusivity although that does not feel right (that is a method for selling products, not the name of a cognitive bias that makes people believe in contrarian stuff because they want to be special).

Thank you for writing this! It expresses in a clear way a pattern that I've seen in myself: I eagerly jump into contrarian ideas because it feels "good" and then slowly get out of them as I start to realize they are not true.

*Typo: Jessica Livingston not Livingstone

That is one theory. My theory has always been that ‘active learning’ is typically obnoxious and terrible as implemented in classrooms, especially ‘group work,’ and students therefore hate it. Lectures are also obnoxious and terrible as implemented in classrooms, but in a passive way that lets students dodge when desired. Also that a lot of this effect probably isn’t real, because null hypothesis watch.

Yep. This hits the nail on the head for me. Teachers usually implement active learning terribly but when done well, it works insanely well. For me, it actually works best when you have a very small class and a lecture that is also a discussion, with everyone asking questions when they are confused and making sure they are following closely (this works at least for science and math). Students hate the words active learning because it's mostly things that are just terrible and don't work (as it's implemented today).

Thanks for this, it is a very important point that I hadn't considered.

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