I sometimes enjoy investigative reporting and news analysis published at some of the leading 'zines: The Economist, The Atlantic, Wired, Businessweek, Salon, The New Yorker. (Note: I never check these sites; I just occasionally click through from other, more selective sources.)

But I don't read enough stories to have found any that I'm confident are consistently driven by genuine curiosity. Imagine a webzine where stories are researched by a horde of gwern uploads and written by a horde Yvain uploads.

Can LWers recommend any consistently curious webzines/magazines, or at least some consistently curious authors?

For example: Glenn Greenwald shows some promise, but I haven't had time to investigate. How about Seymour Hersh? Greg Palast? TruthOut? FAIR?

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Less Wrong magazine...

...that kind of has a nice ring to it.

("A publication of the Rationality Institute [or whatever]")

If you like Glenn Greenwald, Seymour Hersh, Greg Palast, TruthOut and FAIR, you'll probably hate Steve Sailer. FAIR has called him "a well-known promoter of racist and anti-immigrant theories. "

Steve Sailer is probably closer to LW's style than those folks, though.

I agree. For instance, I see now he was indirectly responsible for the Q&A with Harpending and Cochran on LessWrong a while back.

It seems at least to me that Glenn Greenwald is extremely ideologically biased and likely not motivated by genuine curiosity.

This isn't exactly what you are asking for, but perhaps it's a starting point: I keep my bundled RSS subscriptions at http://www.gwern.net/docs/gwern-google-reader-subscriptions.xml

(Note that it's quite a lot of stuff, and you will want to prune heavily.)



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Can I import this into Google reader or something?

Remember to back up your own stuff by exporting it before doing anything with the automated feed bundle import.


I hope lukeprog will also post his own RSS subscriptions.

I think you can, into Google Reader or most RSS readers; that's what it's supposed to be usable for. I've never actually tried it.



I like Matthew Yglesias as a columnist who tries to understand & explain what's actually going on with current events / the economy / politics, rather than just battling for a side. At your level of engagement, I'd recommend reading his articles rather than his blog. I think the Moneybox archive is the easiest way to find them (since Slate doesn't seem to have a page which lists only his articles and not his blog posts).


Have you looked the blogs of academics? I find that many law professors blog about topics based on intellectual interest, rather than partisan axe grinding (but it depends a lot on the site).

Sentencing law
Random law
Orin Kerr and (sometimes) Eugene Volokh at Volokh's blog

Of course, I'm a lawyer, so these may be inherently more interesting to me than to others.