We'll be meeting at 7:00 this Saturday, at the Starbucks at 417 South Craig St (not on the CMU campus, as previously stated).

Hope to see you there!

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We should start sharing tips on how to run effective meet-ups. Did you run some kind of presentation / structured discussion? What worked? What didn't? How did you get everyone engaged?

I am interested; will you post here when you have a room?

What is the structure of your meetings exactly? Do you just discuss topics addressed here on lesswrong or is it more formal? I have been following lesswrong/overcomingbias/yudkowsky for some time now and would be interested in attending the meeting.

Freeform discussion, most likely. This is only the second meetup here, so there's little precedent for (or against) specific activities.

Sounds interesting, but it is a long drive from Cleveland. Is anyone there associated with the Computer Science group around Pfenning and/or Harper?

I did my undergrad at CMU, and I know Pfenning and Harper. I think I know grad students who are advised by each. I don't think any of them frequent LessWrong, though.

I won't be driving down this time. Maybe the next one.

I will, of course, be there.


I really enjoyed meeting all the other Pittsburgh Less Wrongers last night. I agree with Matt about turning this into a more regular event.

We had a good turn-out and some interesting discussion at the meet-up tonight. Pittsburgh is a vibrant tech/university center, and I think LW meet-ups should occur here regularly. It's been suggested that future discussions should loosely center on a pre-determined topic, and I agree that this is a good idea. I invite anyone interested in planning further Pittsburgh meetings to PM me here, email me at mattduing at gmail dot com, or post on this thread.

I'll be in town from the 24th of November to December 4th and am happy to meet other Pittsburgh aspiring rationalists. Actually I think I met you once before... you work at Google and I drove you to the Green Day concert? Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else.

I work at Google, and am curious which of my coworkers you drove to a Green Day concert. :-)

Hi Kevin. You're thinking of someone else but I'd very much like to meet you.

Update: Moved to Lulu's, on the same block of Craig Street, for dinner.

I'd like to come. Where is it?


What is the structure of your meetings exactly? Do you just discuss topics addressed here on lesswrong or is it more formal? I have been following lesswrong/overcomingbias/yudkowsky for some time now and would be interested in attending the meeting.