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We recently released an interview with independent scholar John Wentworth:

It mostly centers around two themes: "abstraction" (forming concepts) and "agency" (dealing with goal-directed systems). 

Check it out!

Is there an AI transcript/summary?

YouTube can generate those automatically, or you can rip the .mp4 with an online service (just Google around, there are tons), then pass it to something like Otter.ai

I'm looking for a really short introduction to light therapy and a rig I can put in my basement-office. Over the years I've noticed my productivity just falls off a goddamn cliff after sundown during the winter months, and I'd like to try to do something about it. 

After the requisite searching I see a dozen or so references across lesswrong, and was wondering if someone could just tell me how the story ends and where I can shop for bulbs. 

For the most part I was thinking about just making things brighter, but I'm open to trying red-light therapy too if people have had success with that.  

I like Ben Kuhn's solution in this comment: https://www.benkuhn.net/lux/#comment-1595033477

A few 7-way splitters and a whole lot of 100 watt equivalent LEDs.

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