
Wiki Contributions


I think you're too close to see objectively. I haven't observed any room for policy discussions in this forum that stray from what is acceptable to the mods and active participants. If a discussion doesn't allow for opposing viewpoints, it's of little value. In my experience, and from what I've heard from others who've tried posting here and quit, you have not succeeded in making this a forum where people with opposing viewpoints feel welcome.

Have you read this?

"“You can’t have these AI companies jumping through hoops in each and every single different jurisdiction, and from our point of view of course our principal relationship is with the U.S. AI Safety Institute,” Meta’s president of global affairs Nick Clegg — a former British deputy prime minister — told POLITICO on the sidelines of an event in London this month."

"OpenAI and Meta are set to roll out their next batch of AI models imminently. Yet neither has granted access to the U.K.’s AI Safety Institute to do pre-release testing, according to four people close to the matter."

"Leading AI firm Anthropic, which rolled out its latest batch of models in March, has yet to allow the U.K. institute to test its models pre-release, though co-founder Jack Clark told POLITICO it is working with the body on how pre-deployment testing by governments might work.

“Pre-deployment testing is a nice idea but very difficult to implement,” said Clark."

Yes, I like it! Thanks for sharing that analysis, Gunnar.

Good list. I think I'd use a triangle to organize them. Have consciousness at the base, then sentience, then drawing from your list, phenomenal consciousness, followed by Intentionality? 

Thank you for asking. 

To generalize across disciplines, a critical aspect of human-level artificial intelligence, requires the ability to observe and compare. This is a feature of sentience. All sentient beings are conscious of their existence. Non-sentient conscious beings exist, of course, but none who could pass a Turing test or a Coffee-making test. That requires both sentience and consciousness.

What happens if you shut down power to the AWS or Azure console powering the Foundation model? Wouldn't this be the easiest way to test various hypotheses associated with the Shutdown Problem in order to either verify it or reject it as a problem not worth sinking further resources into?

That's a good example of my point. Instead of a petition, a more impactful document would be a survey of risks and their probability of occurring in the opinion of these notable public figures. 

In addition, there should be a disclaimer regarding who has accepted money from Open Philanthropy or any other EA-affiliated non-profit for research. 

Which makes it an existential risk. 

"An existential risk is any risk that has the potential to eliminate all of humanity or, at the very least, kill large swaths of the global population." - FLI

What aspect of AI risk is deemed existential by these signatories? I doubt that they all agree on that point. Your publication "An Overview of Catastrophic AI Risks" lists quite a few but doesn't differentiate between theoretical and actual. 

Perhaps if you were to create a spreadsheet with a list of each of the risks mentioned in your paper but with the further identification of each as actual or theoretical, and ask each of those 300 luminaries to rate them in terms of probability, then you'd have something a lot more useful. 

I looked at the paper you recommended Zack. The specific section having to do with "how" AGI is developed (para 1.2) skirts around the problem. 

"We assume that AGI is developed by pretraining a single large foundation model using selfsupervised learning on (possibly multi-modal) data [Bommasani et al., 2021], and then fine-tuning it using model-free reinforcement learning (RL) with a reward function learned from human feedback [Christiano et al., 2017] on a wide range of computer-based tasks.4 This setup combines elements of the techniques used to train cutting-edge systems such as GPT-4 [OpenAI, 2023a], Sparrow [Glaese et al., 2022], and ACT-1 [Adept, 2022]; we assume, however, that 2 the resulting policy goes far beyond their current capabilities, due to improvements in architectures, scale, and training tasks. We expect a similar analysis to apply if AGI training involves related techniques such as model-based RL and planning [Sutton and Barto, 2018] (with learned reward functions), goal-conditioned sequence modeling [Chen et al., 2021, Li et al., 2022, Schmidhuber, 2020], or RL on rewards learned via inverse RL [Ng and Russell, 2000]—however, these are beyond our current scope."

Altman has recently said in a speech that continuing to do what has led them to GPT4 is probably not going to get to AGI. ""Let's use the word superintelligence now, as superintelligence can't discover novel physics, I don't think it's a superintelligence. Training on the data of what you know, teaching to clone the behavior of humans and human text, I don't think that's going to get there. So there's this question that has been debated in the field for a long time: what do we have to do in addition to a language model to make a system that can go discover new physics?"

I think it's pretty clear that no one has a clear path to AGI, nor do we know what a superintelligence will do, yet the Longtermist ecosystem is thriving. I find that curious, to say the least.

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